Sunday 20 May 2012

Horticulture powerpoint. Bonsai's

·         The aim of the project. to make a bonsai for yourself and the bonsai garden.
·         Details about your role. to make a really good looking bonsai for yourself and the garden.
·         Materials and tools used. The tools we used in making the bonsais were scissors, for cutting and triming the tree, tooth brush for cleaning dirt off the branches, wire for the bonsai's
·         Details of calculations/numeracy requirements of the project. how long the wire was.
·         Any health and safety requirements. gloves , steel cap shoes, being aware of the sharp objects like scissors and wire.
·         Details about how successful the project was. it was very successful. everybody got two bonsai's made.
·         An example of sustainable practice. we made our own bonsai's instead and buying expensive ones. using materials you already had instead of buying new materials.
·         At least two things that you have learned. that bonsai's need to be watered every day and the chinese gardens are real life scales not miniture like japanese
·         Photos taken during this project. the photos are all on the blog
The steps involved making the bonsai garden

  • The project was chosen by our course group.
  • the best plan was chosen by the group.
  •  we gathered our materials 
  • started to make the garden
  • collected rocks
  • finished the project
Week 10 30th April- 4th May

1. completed 
Week 11        7-11th May

1) Carpentry has begun this week. Write about what happened during the first 2 day of carpentry...

When we started Carpentry we were given a few tasks to do. The class could vote for one of three possible tasks. The tasks were 1. Dog Kennels, 2. Wooden children's toys, 3. Shed.  The group chose the children's wooden toys. I chose to make a Wooden Tank. It was quite cool. I painted it black. Also after I had finished making it Jamie donated the toys to a children's hospital.

In terms of health and safety I learned that I needed to wear ear muffs to protect my hearing, wear goggles to protect my eyes, and to make sure long hair was tied back so it wouldn't get caught in the machines.

2) Assessment questions from Jamie

a)   Name 5 machines in the machine workshop.
b)  Whats the maximum amount of timber the thicknesser can remove at once?    
c)  Name all the tools in your tool box?  Saw, Hammer, Tape measure, Spirit level, chisel, tool pouch, pencil, framing square, clamp, speed square

Making wooden toys
Task 1

Write a paragraph about making a wooden toy in carpentry. Include details about why you chose that particular toy, how you made it, what tools you used, how long it took to make.

Task 2

Write a paragraph to review your project:

1) How successful was your project? My project turnt out successful
2) What went well? making and painting it
3) What could you have done differently, to make it more successful? painted it a different colour
4)Was the choice of toy the right one for the time available? yes because it was small and easy to make
5) Overall, how successful was the group at making their toys? not every body has finished making their toys yet but the people that did finish their toys turnt out successful

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Week 9 23rd- 27th April

On monday we came to class and made seedballs

we then went to lookout point and looked around and at the view. We then threw them off the edge to let the rain break them down

after all that was done we set out to the quiet community of  Aramoana and collected sea weed.

We came back about 20 minutes late as a result i was late to work -.-